Looking For Some Healthy Thanksgiving Ideas

healthy thanksgiving tips

It’s Thanksgiving time again and I have to be honest with you, when it comes to healthy thanksgiving tips, there is not one single tip that I can give you that will ensure your family has a healthy meal. 

Thanksgiving has become very popular as a time for fast food, but this doesn’t mean that you need to turn your nose up at thanksgiving! There are some things that you can do on the day that will help ensure that you and your family have an amazing Thanksgiving. These healthy thanksgiving tips will not only ensure that your dinner is delicious but they will also ensure that you have a fun time at Thanksgiving dinner as well.

Thanksgiving Dinner

A bowl of fruit sitting on top of a wooden table

There is no doubt that you have probably noticed that Thanksgiving dinner seems to become less healthy over time. This is due to the fact that our unhealthy fast food habits have become more of the norm rather than the exception. The only way that you can avoid becoming obese or overweight in this day and age is to make sure that you have a well balanced meal and that you take the necessary vitamins and nutrients into your body. This will ensure that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and that your family has a great time as well.

If you look back at history, you will find that Thanksgiving was created out of a time when people were struggling with hunger and the lack of it. During this time, families were gathering together for some friendly conversation and to discuss their problems. As dinner was being prepared, it was almost always a tradition for everyone to pass around a slice of white bread. This was a sure way for people to share a piece of healthy food and to avoid getting hungry during the course of the evening. You may find that this is the best way for you to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner and to avoid feeling hungry throughout the night.

Preparing Your Turkey

A plate of food on a picnic table

When you are preparing your turkey, try to find something that is healthier than the typical turkey that most families eat on Thanksgiving Day. You will be able to find some wonderful healthy alternatives that will help you enjoy your meal even though you are making a change from the traditional turkey that you are used to. 

One of the easiest changes that you can make is to replace the turkey with salmon. Salmon is one of the healthiest foods available and it will give your family an opportunity to enjoy a flavorful and healthy alternative to the turkey that they are used to eating on Thanksgiving Day. You may not think that salmon is a healthy choice but there are some wonderful benefits to consuming this fish on a regular basis.


Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and this nutrient is known to fight against heart disease. You will find that there are plenty of great benefits to consuming salmon on a regular basis and you will be able to enjoy a delicious dinner with your family on Thanksgiving Day. This is also a great time to teach children about the importance of eating right and that the health of the individual should always be the number one priority in their lives. 

If you decide that you want to have dinner with your family this year and you are still unsure about the best food to serve, you may want to consider changing things up a little bit and serve him as your turkey. It will be a healthy alternative that many people will love and they will be able to enjoy a great dinner with their family on Thanksgiving.

Some Delicious Fish

You may be surprised to know that there are some delicious fish that you can prepare for your dinner that will taste just as good as the turkey. If you are having a large dinner and you need to cut back on your calorie intake, you may want to consider serving whitefish. These fish are high in the omega-3 fatty acids that are responsible for giving you a healthy appearance. In addition to being healthy, they are quite tasty and you can enjoy this type of fish in a variety of different recipes.

You may not think that you would enjoy cooking a piece of fish on your Thanksgiving day but there are many people who do. If you have never cooked a fish recipe before, you can always turn to the internet for some great ideas that you can use for your next party. You may even find a whole new set of family traditions that you can begin right away. If you have not tried any healthy Thanksgiving recipes yet, you are in for a treat as you can make your turkey dishes healthier than your last meal and that will mean a lot to your family.


When it is time for you to sit down together on Thanksgiving day and share your meal with your family, remember that you should not forget about the healthy side of things. You can enjoy a healthier meal than what you will be eating. Whether you are having dinner at your house or enjoying it on the road, you should always make sure that you are keeping yourself and your family healthy. This is the best way to make sure that your entire family gets together to enjoy time together and enjoy the holiday.

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