You might have heard how you should always watch your calorie intake especially if you are trying to lose weight. Even if you are not exactly trying to lose weight, counting calories is still allegedly essential. Then again, according to dietitians, it may not be as necessary as people might think.
That is because of how there are different kinds of calories and counting them does not work for everyone. There are far more effective ways to live a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced diet. You might not need to count your calories but you can always give it a shot. If you want to try it then go ahead, but here are some of the reasons that might not work.
Calories: You Don’t Know How Much You Need
Those who try to do it the first time will most likely look for how much calories their body needs depending on their statistics. However, this is actually not going to be as accurate as it may seem. Because the only time you will be able to count how much your body needs is when you get your basal metabolic rate. This is when you have to count how many calories your body burns every single day. You might take some approximate numbers but it cannot still be as accurate. There are so man apps that offer to count it for you but you cannot simply rely on their calculations.
You Don’t Know How Much You Are Getting
According to experts, people used to believe that about 3,500 calories are equivalent to a pound of the body. That is why some people think that when you eat that many calories, you will most likely gain a pound. However, it does not exactly work like that since calories are not as equal as people thought. It will all depend on much fiber does a specific food has, as well as how it is processed.
This will all identify how many calories the body absorbed and it is not something an app could easily guess. Dietitians even say that even some of the bacteria that we have on the stomach plays a part in calorie counting.
Calories: You Ignore Your Hunger Cues
People who focus on counting their calories basically always try to ignore their hunger cues. This is actually not a good idea since it is not exactly healthy. If you want to lose weight or just have a balanced diet, you must not ignore your growling stomach. Instead of focusing on how much calories you have had, you must focus on the quality of the food you are consuming.
That is because your body basically knows what it wants and if it signals that it needs food, you have to give in. Keep in mind that your body basically tells you when it is best to eat as well as what is good for you. The choice of how you should eat as well as what you will be eating comes from the mind.