The gluteus medius is one of the main muscles in the buttock region. They often cause pain and discomfort when sitting down. The exercises below can help with recovery time for these types of tears.
Perform glute bridge exercises on a yoga mat or exercise ball with hands shoulder-width apart on the ground. Lift hips off of the floor while squeezing abs to complete each repetition.
Keep the torso upright while performing side lunge movements for leg extension and abduction with the knee bent at 90-degree angles.
Perform hip extension exercises by lying face down on an exercise ball with knees bent, feet on the ground, holding on to the ball for stability while lifting legs off of the ground.
Perform hip abduction exercises by lying on the back with knees bent feet shoulder-width apart or closer on the ground. Use your hands to push the knee out against the resistance band for each repetition completed.
Use ankle weights while standing in front of the wall with one foot approximately six inches in front of the other foot and glutes squeezed tight, lean into the wall while contracting gluteus medius muscle in the buttock region.
Sit upright in the chair with crossed legs squeezing glutes together throughout the exercise session.
Place arms behind the head like a pillow while lying down with knees bent, lift hips slightly off of the floor so thighs are perpendicular to body and shoulders are flat against floor squeezing glutes tight during each repetition.
Lying Leg Lifts:
Lie on the floor with knees bent, feet hip-width apart, and shoulder-width apart. Place hands behind your head or out to your side for support while squeezing glutes together at top of each exercise repetition. Lift right leg off of the ground while rotating foot inward toward left knee. Return the right leg to the starting position and lift the left leg off of the ground while rotating your foot outward away from the body. Keep alternating between these two positions on one side, then switch to the opposite side and repeat all steps in a slow and controlled manner during each workout session. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each leg before moving on to other gluteus medius exercises.
Perform deadlifts by standing with feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward. To begin the exercise, bend forward at the hips keeping back straight until your torso is approximately parallel to the ground. When you reach this position, squeeze buttocks together tightly while maintaining a flat back for each repetition performed during the workout session. Squeeze glutes throughout the entire set of 10 repetitions before resting 30 seconds to one minute between sets.
Single Leg Bridges:
Lie on the floor with hands at sides, knees bent and foot flat on ground shoulder-width apart or. Gently lift the right leg off of the ground while squeezing glutes together at top of the movement. Move the right leg up towards the ceiling without moving hips off the ground until the foot is four inches from the ceiling. Return the right leg to the starting position. Complete 10 repetitions before switching to the opposite sides and repeat all steps in a slow and controlled manner during each set performed. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each leg before moving on to other gluteus medius exercises.
Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlifts:
Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward slightly. To begin the exercise, place both hands behind your head or out to your sides for support. Begin making small side steps taking one big step to the right and then one big step back to the left. While you are stepping, hinge at your hips and slowly lower your torso and extended leg straight down towards the floor. Keep extending your leg until it’s parallel with the floor and return to starting position. Remember to keep your core engaged and glutes squeezed tight during the entire set. Perform 10 repetitions before resting 30 seconds to one minute between sets.
Wall Sits:
Stand with your back against a wall with feet shoulder-width apart, legs bent at 90 degrees, and heels flat on the ground. Hold this position for 60 seconds, making sure to keep your abdominal muscles pulled in so your back stays flat against the wall.